1 Picosecond to Nanosecond Conversion

You are finally here to find out the answer and different ways to convert pico second to nano second – how many picoseconds are a nanosecond?

How much is 1 ps to ns?

1 picosecond is 0.001 nanosecond.

1000 picoseconds are 1 nanosecond.

In the following passage, you will get the answer and know how many nanoseconds in 1 picosecond, and the formulas to calculate it, and convert ps to ns and etc.

We will truly value the precious time when we know the length of it; that is the point we come to the main topic today: how much is picoseconds to nanoseconds?

Picosecond vs nanosecond (or ns ps)

What is a picosecond? Nanosecond and picosecond are two units from the SI Unit system, and are used for the length of time.

And nanoseconds can be put as ‘ns’, while picosecond’s symbol is ‘ps’.

How fast is a picosecond?

A picosecond means one trillionth of a second, or in numbers is 1/1000 000 000 000 second or 0.000 000 000 001 second if you don’t prefer fractions.

How many picoseconds in a second? There are 1000 000 000 000 picoseconds in a second.

1 second = 1000 000 000 000 picoseconds
1 second = 1012 picoseconds

What it a nanosecond?

1 nanosecond is one billionth of a second, that is 1 out 1000 000 000 seconds.

So here are couple of ways to describe naoseconds in a second.

1 nanosecond = 1/1000 000 000 second
1 nano second = 10-9 second
1 nano sec = 0.000000001 sec
1 nano second = 10^-9 second

What is shorter than a nanosecond?

Firstly, 1 nanosecond is 1000 pico sec, therefore 1 picosecond is 1/1000 nanosecond.

A nanosecond is 10−9 seconds and picosecond is 10−12 of a second, so picoseconds are a bit shorter than one nanosecond.

1 nanosecond = 1000 picoseconds
1 picosecond = 1/1000 nanosecond = 0.001 nanoseconds

Now we’ll move onto the whole conversions step by step to learn how to do that.

· 1 nanosecond = 1000 picoseconds
· 1 picosecond = 1 ÷ 1000 = 1/1000 nanosecond = 0.001 nanoseconds
· 1 picosecond = 0.001 nanoseconds

How many nanoseconds in 1000 picoseconds?

 But what about ways to convert 1000 ps to ns: how many nanoseconds are in 1000 picoseconds?

1000 picoseconds = 1000 ps ÷ 1000 ns = 1 nano second.

OR 1000 picoseconds = 1000 ps *1/1000 ns = 1 nanosecond.

1000 picoseconds is equal to 1 nanosecond.

What is faster than picoseconds?

A femtosecond is much shorter than a picosecond because 1 picosecond is trillionth of a sec, which is  1⁄1 000 000 000 000 second (with 12 zeros).

But one femtosecond is equal to million billionth of a second, which is 1/1000 000 000 000 000 second (with 15 zeros), so one femtosecond is faster that a picosecond.

How many picoseconds are in the speed of light?

3 × 10-4 m/picosecond is the speed of light travels in meters per picosecond.

Table for seconds to pico sec

Picoeconds (ps)Nanoseconds (ns)
10 ps0.01 nanoseconds
11 picoseconds0.011 nano sec
12 pico sec0.012 nanoseconds
13 picoseconds0.013 nano seconds
100 pico seconds0.1 nanoseconds
110 pico sec0.11 nanoseconds
120 ps0.12 nano sec
10000 picosec10 nanoseconds

Popular conversions

picoseconds to microseconds0.000 001 microsecondpicoseconds to seconds10−12 seconds
picosecond to nanoseconds0.001 nanosecondsecond to picosecond1012 picosec
femtosecond to nanosecond0.000001 nanosecnanosecond to microsecond0.001 microsec
picosecond to femtosecond1000 femtosecmillisecond to nanosecond1000000 nanosec

We think you must be feeling a bit clearer about the ways to calculate how many nanoseconds in 1 picosec and in 1000 picoseconds?

And time is always running, and we should value every second of it; we should try to be productive and give time to the most essential things in our life.

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Till then, value the time and have a nice day.

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